Your Birth Story

your birth story photographer
We enjoy capturing your beautiful birth story for you
Your maternity photos There’s a reason the phrase “the miracle of birth” exists. Birth is miraculous and beautiful and personal. It is my privilege to be a fly on the wall at your birth and capture the magic of the miracle. I will always be discreet in these sessions and not disrupt the special moments. I only speak when spoken to, otherwise, I’m just there to document the story. We will plan your birth story according to what you want to be photographed, the angles, the moments…all of that will be discussed ahead of time to make sure your story is told just how you imagine! Birth stories are priced differently than most other sessions with Em J Photography as they are lifestyle/documentary in genre and require a different type of processing and storytelling on the editing end than our fine artwork. They have a flat rate fee instead of a session fee and print package. That said I am always happy to add an album to your package price to help savor your story!
Let us help you capture the magic of those first moments bringing baby into the world. We love to create beautiful birth stories that can be treasured forever. Memories fade, photos don't.
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